Home Icon Mundialization Committee

Volunteer Advisory Committees are established by Council and are comprised of volunteer members from the Hamilton community. Volunteer Advisory Committees provide advice to Council through reports, on their area of expertise to an assigned Standing Committee. Members of Volunteer Advisory Committees are selected by the Interview Sub-Committee of the appropriate Standing Committee and are appointed by Council. When Volunteer Advisory Committees hold a ‘meeting’ as that term is defined in the Municipal Act, 2001/the City’s Procedural By-law, it must comply with the open meeting provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001 and the City’s Procedural By-law as applicable.


Board Information

The purpose of the Committee shall be:

a) to promote Hamilton as "A World (Mundialized) City" dedicated to global awareness, international cooperation and world law

b) to further the work of the United Nations through publicity and education and to have the United Nations flag flown with the Canadian flag the City Hall at all times

c) to undertake twinning programs in international cooperation with like-minded municipalities in this and other countries to foster an understanding of the increasing interdependence of the municipalities, peoples and countries of the world

d) to involved Hamilton citizens of different cultures, especially those from the countries of our sister communities, to share in our multicultural programs

e) to include representatives from City Council in the Committee for implementing the above programs.


Membership in the Committee is open to all persons and organizations in Hamilton and District subscribing to the purposes of the Committee upon payment of the prescribed annual fee.

A member in arrears by one year of payment of the annual dues will be dropped from the membership.

Honorary positions
The Mayor of the City of Hamilton will be the Honorary President of the Mundialization Committee.

Executive of the Committee
The Executive will consist of a President, Vice-President, Past President, Recording Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and such other offices as the committee may determine in by-laws from time to time.

Amendments to the Constitution
The constitution may be amended at any annual meeting provided that four weeks written notice of any such amendments has been circulated by mail to all paid up members of the committee.

Responsibilities & duties of the Executive
President: Shall normally chair all meetings and ensure that all members fulfil their responsibilities; shall present the committee at all official occasions; authorize all correspondence written on behalf of the committee

Vice President: Shall act in the absence of the President and when called upon by the resident to assist.

Secretary - Recording: Shall be responsible for all correspondence, keeping minutes of all meetings, maintaining a record of attendance, record all votes and advise the coordinator of the phoning committee at least 10 days in advance of the date, time and place of any meeting or event.

Secretary - Membership: Shall keep a list of all members and a record of the up-to-date paid memberships. Shall also send a reminder of membership dues to each member along with the notice of the annual general meeting.

Treasurer: Shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the committee in proper books of accounts. Shall maintain a bank account in the name of the Hamilton Mundialization Committee and shall make monthly statements to the Executive, as well as prepare and present an annual financial statement at the annual general meeting. Shall prepare the budget of the committee in consultation with the Executive for submission to the Treasurer of City Hall.

Other Executive Officers: In addition to the members named in the constitution, the Executive shall include two ex-officio members of City Council, the Archivist, the Liaison and the coordinators of:

Twinning activities
Mundialization events
Youth activities
A member of the Executive may hold more than one office except the President and Vice President.

Election of Officers
The whole executive shall be retired at each annual meeting but shall be eligible for re-election, if otherwise qualified. Elections will be held at each annual general meeting. The election may be a show of hands, unless a ballot is demanded by any member. An executive member may be removed before the expiration of his/her term of office, by a majority of the votes cast at an annual general meeting.

Vacancies on the Executive
A vacancy many be filled so long as a quorum of Executive members remain in office. If there is not a quorum of Executive, the remaining members of the Executive shall if required call a special meeting of the committee members to fill the vacancy.

Questions arising at any meeting of directors shall be decided by a majority of votes. In case of an equality of votes that president presiding at the meeting, in addition to the original vote, shall have a second or casting vote.

Executive meetings: The Executive shall normally hold monthly meetings at such place or places as it may from time to time determine. A quorum for transaction of business for any meeting of the Executive shall not be less than 7 Executive members present in person.

Special meetings: May be called by the President or at the written request of 7 members of the Executive or at the written request of 25 committee members in good standing. A quorum for a special general meeting of the committee for the transaction of business shall be not less than 20 members present in person.

Annual meeting: Shall be held in May in the City of Hamilton. At every annual meeting, in addition to any other business that may be transacted, the report from the Executive, the financial statement, and the treasurers report shall be present. The Executive shall be elected for the ensuing year by the committee members present at the meeting.

Audit, Finance and Administration Committee

Amy Majani, Staff Liaison

Email: amy.majani@hamilton.ca

Telephone: (905) 546-2424 ext. 3735

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
