Home Icon Development Industry Liaison Group

Other Committees

This Committee has a different member composition, requirements and/or reporting structure. This entity is not governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 or the City’s Procedural By-law and is not subject to the open meeting provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001 or the City’s Procedural By-law.  Some of these entities are governed by establishing legislation and By-laws and may be subject to certain open meeting requirements under their establishing legislation.


Board Information

To provide a vehicle for communication between the City of Hamilton, The Hamilton-Halton Home Builders’ Association and Development Industry stakeholders.

The meetings shall be quarterly or more often if required.
The intent is to provide a vehicle for communication between the City of Hamilton, The Hamilton Halton Home Builders’ Association and Industry stakeholders; it is not intended that issues affecting specific developers or specific parcels of land will be the subject of these meetings, although these may be raised as examples of concerns or issues being discussed.
On matters where it is agreed that it would be desirable to involve a broader representation of the industry, separate processes and meetings shall be established to ensure the necessary breadth of consultation.
The meeting shall be chaired by the City of Hamilton’s Senior Director of Growth Management or the President or Designate of the Hamilton Halton Home Builders’ Association (HHHBA) on an alternate meeting rotational. The Liaison Group is not a decision making body or even one intended to make formal recommendations and thus it shall operate on the basis of consensus as opposed to formal recorded votes – the intent is to insure an adequate level of two-way communication between the City and the industry.
Agenda and notes for each meeting shall be the responsibility of City of Hamilton; however in preparing the Agenda, input from all members will be obtained. Agendas shall be made available on the City of Hamilton’s Website, as well as to any individual that requests them from the Senior Director of Growth Management.
The meetings shall be held in a location that facilitates the attendance of members of the public. i.e. anyone wishing to attend as observers may do so.
Other procedure and conventions shall apply, as may be agreed to from time to time by the Liaison Group.
The Liaison Group membership will entail City of Hamilton staff representing various disciplines (Legal, Building, Planning, Engineering etc.), five HHHBA representatives and three Industry Stakeholders selected by the City amongst any individuals who put their names forward for participation, and who’s participation will help contribute to a diversity of Industry representation. HHHBA representatives shall be confirmed on an annual basis by the HHHBA. Industry Stakeholders shall be appointed to a term of a maximum of two years.


No direct report to Council

Taylor Brown, Growth Management 

Email: taylor.brown@hamilton.ca

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
