Home Icon Property Standards Committee


A Tribunal is a person or group of persons upon which a statutory power of decision is conferred by or under statute.  Tribunal hearing are not governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 or the City’s Procedural By-law but instead are governed by their establishing legislation, the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act, R.S.O. 1990 (“SPPA”) and procedures established under the SPPA.  Tribunals are subject to certain open meeting requirements as provided by their establishing legislation, the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act, R.S.O. 1990 (“SPPA”) and/or Procedures established under the SPPA as applicable.


Board Information

To hear appeals from the Orders of Property Standards Officers on properties not meeting minimum property standards pursuant to the City of Hamilton Property Standards By-law No. 10-221.

The decisions of the Property Standards Committee may be appealed to the Superior Court of Justice.

Applicants for the Property Standards Committee shall be ratepayers of the City of Hamilton. (Definition of a “Ratepayer” - an owner or tenant shown on the last revised Assessment Roll of a property in the City of Hamilton.)

Autonomous Body

Lisa Kelsey, Legislative Coordinator

Email: Lisa.Kelsey@Hamilton.ca

Telephone: 905-546-2424 ext. 4605
