Home Icon Public Health Sub-Committee

Sub-Committees are established by Council and are comprised of some Members of Council and in certain circumstances also have citizen members. This Sub-Committee reports directly to Council in their capacity as the Board of Health. Members of Sub- Committees are appointed by Council. When Sub-Committees hold a ‘meeting’ as that term is defined in the Municipal Act, 2001/the City’s Procedural By-law, it must comply with the open meeting provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001 and the City’s Procedural By-law as applicable.


Board Information

To ensure the City of Hamilton meets or exceeds its obligations as a Board of Health under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, and in all matters relating to Public Health in order to promote well-being and create opportunities to enhance the quality of life in our community.

•  To consider and recommend to Council on policy matters and emerging issues related to Public Health

•  To provide advice and guidance to Public Health Services including input to Strategic Planning initiatives to ensure alignment with Council’s Mission, Vision, Values and Goals

•  To steward relevant public health legislation when providing advice and guidance to Public Health Services, including the Ontario Public Health Standards: Requirements for Programs, Services, and Accountability, the Health Equity Guideline, 2018, and the Relationship with Indigenous Communities Guideline, 2018

•  To consider and recommend to Council the overall service levels in relation to the delivery of Public Health programs

•  To consider and recommend to Council policies governing equitable service delivery of Public Health Services

•  To consider and monitor program implementation and performance through staff reports

•  To consider the public health needs of the community and recommend advocacy by Council to address these needs

•  To receive delegations from the public and conduct public hearings as required by statute and Council specific to the mandate of this committee on matters under the Sub-Committee

•  Matters that have the potential of litigation and are under the mandate of this Sub-Committee, with all matters having definite litigation going to the General Issues Committee.

• To consider recommendations of any Sub-Committees and/or Task Forces which reports directly to the Public Health Sub-Committee

The previous meetings of the Board of Health or Public Health Committee can be found here: https://pub-hamilton.escribemeetings.com/?MeetingviewId=57 

The Board of Health (Council)

Matt Gauthier, Legislative Coordinator

Email: Matt.Gauthier@Hamilton.ca

Telephone: 905-546-2424 ext. 6437
